jx scm pull-request create

Creates a pull request


jx scm pull-request create


Creates a pull request in the given repository, requesting the head branch be merged into the base branch


# creates a pull request for a branch
jx-scm pull-request create \
--owner foo \
--name bar \
--title "chore: a good reason to merge" \
--body "Useful details for reviewers" \
--head some-feature-branch \
--base main

# if pull request from head branch to base exists, updates the pr. otherwise creates the pr
jx-scm pull-request create \
--owner foo \
--name bar \
--title "chore: a good reason to merge" \
--body "Some new reasons to merge" \
--head some-feature-branch \
--base main \


      --allow-update      if an open pull request from head branch to base branch exists, setting flag to true will update the pull request
      --base string       the name of the branch you want the changes pulled into (default "main")
      --body string       the contents of the pull request
      --head string       the name of the branch where your changes are implemented
  -h, --help              help for create
  -k, --kind string       the kind of git server to use
  -r, --name string       the name of the repository
  -o, --owner string      the owner of the repository. Either an organisation or username
  -s, --server string     the git server URL to use
      --title string      the title of the new pull request
  -t, --token string      the token to use on the git server
  -u, --username string   the user name to use on the git server



Last modified May 17, 2022: chore: regenerated plugin docs (0490de36f6)