jx gitops requirement merge

Merges values from the given file to the local jx-requirements.yml file


jx gitops requirement merge


Merges values from the given file to the local jx-requirements.yml file

This lets you take requirements from, say, the output of a terraform plan and merge with any other changes inside your GitOps repository


# merge requirements from a file
jx-gitops requirements merge -f /tmp/jx-requirements.yml

# merge requirements from a ConfigMap called 'terraform-jx-requirements' in the default namespace
jx-gitops requirements merge


  -c, --configmap string   the name of the ConfigMap to find the requirements to merge if not specifying a requirements file via --file (default "terraform-jx-requirements")
  -d, --dir string         the source directory to merge changes into (default ".")
  -f, --file string        the requirements file to merge into the source directory
  -h, --help               help for merge
      --namespace string   the namespace used to find the ConfigMap if using the ConfigMap mode (default "default")
      --retries int        Specify the number of times the command should be reattempted on failure (default 3)



Last modified April 20, 2021: chore: regenerated plugin docs (412f8f1671)