
Setup Jenkins X on EKS on AWS


  • Ensure you are logged into GitHub else you will get a 404 error when clicking the links below
  • The quickstart guides are for users who want to get up and running quickly with Jenkins X. Refer to the eks-jx terraform module readme for all the inputs that can be customized.
  • Always use the latest module version for the eks-jx module. The list of versions can be found here.
  • Do not specify the last digit of the kubernetes version, so if you want to provision an EKS cluster with kubernetes 1.30.1, just specify 1.30.

EKS + Terraform + Vault/ASM + Github

This is our current recommended quickstart for EKS:

Note: remember to create the Git repositories below in your Git Organization rather than your personal Git account else this will lead to issues with ChatOps and automated registering of webhooks.

      git commit -a -m "fix: configure cluster repository and project"
      git push
  • Define an environment variable to pass the bot token into Terraform:
      export TF_VAR_jx_bot_token=my-bot-token
  • Now, initialise, plan and apply Terraform:
      terraform init
      terraform plan
      terraform apply
  • Connect to the cluster using the command shown in the field connect of the output of terraform apply. To show it again run terraform output.

  • Tail the Jenkins X installation logs

  jx admin log
  • Once finished you can now move into the Jenkins X Developer namespace
  jx ns jx

For more details on how to install Jenkins X on AWS EKS see Github repository for Jenkins X Terraform module for EKS