
How to use multiple clusters with helm 3 and helmfile

We recommend using separate clusters for your Preprod and Production environments. This lets you completely isolate your environments which improves security.

Setting up multi cluster

For remote environments (e.g. Preprod and Production) you typically won’t need lots of the development tools such as:

  • Lighthouse
  • Tekton
  • Webhooks
  • Nexus / Bucketrepo

And install only services to run and expose your applications, e.g.:

Create a repository

Create a git repository for your remote cluster using a cut down repository you might want to start with:

Create Git Repository

  • if the above button does not work then please Login to GitHub first and then retry the button

Follow the administration documentation to setup a new Cluster (or skip this step if already in place) but using the git URL you created above for the cluster git repository

Import the remote cluster into your Development cluster

Then when you have a git repository URL for your Preprod or Production cluster, import the git repository like you would any other git repository into your Development cluster using the jx project import command (command should be run in the jx namespace):

NOTE make sure you are connected to the development cluster:

# echo make sure we are connected to the development cluster
jx ns jx
jx ctx -b

# lets clone the remote cluster repository and import it...
git clone
cd  my-prod-repo
jx project import

This will create a Pull Request on your development cluster git repository to link to the Preprod or Production git repository on promotions of apps.

NOTE: Jenkins X will push additional configuration files to the created Pull Request, so it is recommended to wait until the Pull Request is auto-merged and avoid manual intervention.

Changes to jx-requirements.yml

The above jx project import should modify your jx-requirements.yml file in your development cluster to reference the remote production/pre-production cluster.

So your jx-requirements.yml should have started something like:

- key: dev
  repository: my-dev-environment
- key: staging                                                   

After importing the remote environment via jx project import and merging the pull request, it should look like:

- key: dev
  repository: my-dev-environment
- key: staging
- key: my-prod-repo
  owner: myowner
  repository: my-prod-repo
  remoteCluster: true

Once everything is correctly setup, it will be possible to deploy applications to the newly created remote environment/s.

How it works

The multi cluster setup of Jenkins X is designed around the following goals:

  • you have full control over production and pre-production clusters, choosing exactly what software is installed there
    • there are no development tools installed: no tekton, lighthouse, container registries and no images are built in production
  • immutable infrastructure configured via GitOps with maximum traceability and feedback
    • easy to review changes on production via git and not requiring access to production

Development Cluster

The development cluster:

  • runs all pipelines on your applications to handle pull requests and performs releases
    • releases of applications create pull requests on remote cluster repositories
  • handles all webhooks for pull requests on remove environments and runs pipelines to validate changes to remote environments
    • reports back to GitHub the status of pull request pipelines
    • visualises the pipelines in the usual Jenkins X UIs
    • supports auto-merge via ChatOps when approved

Remote Cluster

  • runs the git operator which polls the main branch in the remote cluster for changes
  • when a change is found a Job is run to perform the kubectl apply or helmfile sync or whatever

Remote Cluster Recommendations

We do recommend using the Jenkins X GitOps pipeline approach in production and preproduction for these reasons then all changes to git result in the kubernetes resources being checked into git so they can be easily reviewed without reviewers needing access to production.

You may want to reuse existing built in charts such as:

using helmfile sync

If you want to just use something like helmfile sync to deploy charts in production you could use the following Makefile in your production/pre-production repository:

    helmfile sync
    helmfile lint

though you will lose these benefits. You will also need to:

  • add your own pusher-wave integration for each chart you want to perform a rolling upgrade if the underlying secrets are rotated.
  • manually populate all secrets in each remote environments via the underlying secret store as you will not be using the jx-secret mechanism built into the default Jenkins X GitOps pipelines for doing this.

Last modified May 26, 2021: Update (e037939357)