jx gitops annotate

Annotates all kubernetes resources in the given directory tree


jx gitops annotate


Annotates all kubernetes resources in the given directory tree


# updates recursively annotates all resources in the current directory
jx-gitops annotate myannotation=cheese another=thing
# updates recursively all resources
jx-gitops annotate --dir myresource-dir foo=bar
# remove annotations
jx-gitops annotate myannotate- another-


      --dir string                the directory to recursively look for the *.yaml or *.yml files (default ".")
  -h, --help                      help for annotate
      --invert-selector           inverts the effect of selector to exclude resources matched by selector
  -k, --kind stringArray          adds Kubernetes resource kinds to filter on. For kind expressions see: https://github.com/jenkins-x/jx-helpers/tree/master/docs/kind_filters.md
      --kind-ignore stringArray   adds Kubernetes resource kinds to exclude. For kind expressions see: https://github.com/jenkins-x/jx-helpers/tree/master/docs/kind_filters.md
      --overwrite                 Set to false to not overwrite any existing value (default true)
  -p, --pod-spec                  annotate the PodSpec in spec.template.metadata.annotations (or spec.jobTemplate.spec.template.metadata.annotations for CronJobs) rather than the top level annotations
      --selector stringToString   adds Kubernetes label selector to filter on, e.g. --selector app=pusher-wave,heritage=Helm (default [])
      --selector-target string    sets which path in the Kubernetes resources to select on instead of metadata.labels.



Last modified October 8, 2024: chore: regenerated plugin docs (2935f771d3)