jx pipeline start

Starts one or more pipelines Aliases: build,run


jx pipeline start


Starts the pipeline build.


# Start a pipeline
jx pipeline start foo

# Select the pipeline to start
jx pipeline start

# Select the pipeline to start and tail the log
jx pipeline start -t

# Start the given local pipeline file
jx pipeline start -F .lighthouse/jenkins-x/mypipeline.yaml


      --branch string            The branch to start. If not specified then the default branch of the repository is used
      --configmap string         The name of the Lighthouse ConfigMap to find the trigger configurations (default "config")
  -c, --context string           An optional context name to find the specific kind of postsubmit/presubmit if there are more than one triggers
      --duration duration        Maximum duration to wait for one or more matching triggers to be setup in Lighthouse. Useful for when a new repository is being imported via GitOps (default 20m0s)
  -e, --env stringToString       List of custom environment variables to be applied to the generated PipelineRun that are created (can be use multiple times) (default [])
  -F, --file string              The pipeline file to start
  -f, --filter string            Filters all the available jobs by those that contain the given text
      --git-token string         the git token used to access the git repository for in-repo configurations in lighthouse
      --git-username string      the git username used to access the git repository for in-repo configurations in lighthouse
  -h, --help                     help for start
      --kind string              The kind of pipeline such as presubmit or post submit. If not specified defaults to postsubmit (i.e. release)
  -l, --label stringArray        List of custom labels to be applied to the generated PipelineRun (can be use multiple times)
      --param stringArray        List of name=value PipelineRun parameters passed into the ligthhousejob which add or override any parameter values in the lighthouse postsubmit configuration
      --poll-period duration     Poll period when waiting for one or more matching triggers to be setup in Lighthouse. Useful for when a new repository is being imported via GitOps (default 2s)
      --service-account string   The Kubernetes ServiceAccount to use to run the meta pipeline (default "tekton-bot")
  -t, --tail                     Tails the build log to the current terminal
      --wait                     Waits until the trigger has been setup in Lighthouse for when a new repository is being imported via GitOps



Last modified July 4, 2024: chore: regenerated plugin docs (83c0b95879)