
Upgrade the Jenkins X Cloud infrastructure


If you have used one of the Jenkins X Terraform Git repositories to create and manage your cloud resources then you have two options.

Terraform manual apply

If you are running the Terraform apply commands yourself then from your infrastructure Git repository run:

export TF_VAR_jx_bot_username=[your bot username]
export TF_VAR_jx_bot_token=[your bot token]
terraform get -update
terraform plan
terraform apply

Terraform Cloud

If you are using Terraform Cloud then from your infrastructure Git repository run:

terraform get -update
git commit -a -m 'chore: upgrade cloud infra'
git push

Terraform Cloud should trigger automatically and apply the updates, view the log in Terraform Cloud.

Last modified February 23, 2021: fix: try nicer layout for admin (5d88989bd6)