jx gitops helmfile move

Moves the generated template files from ‘helmfile template’ into the right gitops directory Aliases: mv


jx gitops helmfile move


Moves the generated template files from ‘helmfile template’ into the right gitops directory

The output of ‘helmfile template’ ignores the namespace specified in the ‘helmfile.yaml’ and there is a dummy top level directory.

So this command applies the namespace to all the generated resources and then moves the namespaced resources into the config-root/namespaces/$ns/$releaseName directory and then moves any CRDs or cluster level resources into ‘config-root/cluster/$releaseName’

If supplied with –dir-includes-release-name then by default we will annotate the resources with the annotation ‘meta.helm.sh/release-name’ to preserve the helm release name


# moves the generated files in 'tmp' to the config root dir
jx-gitops helmfile move --dir config-root --from tmp


      --annotate-release-name       if using --dir-includes-release-name layout then lets add the 'meta.helm.sh/release-name' annotation to record the helm release name (default true)
      --dir string                  the directory containing the generated resources
      --dir-includes-release-name   the directory containing the generated resources has a path segment that is the release name
  -h, --help                        help for move
      --invert-selector             inverts the effect of selector to exclude resources matched by selector
  -k, --kind stringArray            adds Kubernetes resource kinds to filter on. For kind expressions see: https://github.com/jenkins-x/jx-helpers/tree/master/docs/kind_filters.md
      --kind-ignore stringArray     adds Kubernetes resource kinds to exclude. For kind expressions see: https://github.com/jenkins-x/jx-helpers/tree/master/docs/kind_filters.md
  -o, --output-dir string           the output directory (default "config-root")
      --selector stringToString     adds Kubernetes label selector to filter on, e.g. --selector app=pusher-wave,heritage=Helm (default [])
      --selector-target string      sets which path in the Kubernetes resources to select on instead of metadata.labels.



Last modified October 8, 2024: chore: regenerated plugin docs (2935f771d3)