jx updatebot pr

Create a Pull Request on each downstream repository


jx updatebot pr


Create a Pull Request on each downstream repository


jx-updatebot pr --test-url https://github.com/myorg/mytest.git


      --add-changelog string         a file to take a changelog from to add to the pullr equest body. Typically a file generated by jx changelog.
  -a, --app string                   the Application to promote. Used for informational purposes
      --auto-merge                   should we automatically merge if the PR pipeline is green (default true)
  -b, --base-branch-name string      the base branch name to use for new pull requests
      --changelog-separator string   the separator to use between commit message and changelog in the pull request body. Default to ----- or if set the CHANGELOG_SEPARATOR environment variable
      --commit-message string        the commit message
      --commit-title string          the commit title
  -c, --config-file string           the updatebot config file. If none specified defaults to .jx/updatebot.yaml
  -d, --dir string                   the directory look for the VERSION file (default ".")
      --git-credentials              ensures the git credentials are setup so we can push to git
      --git-kind string              the kind of git server to connect to
      --git-server string            the git server URL to create the scm client
      --git-token string             the git token used to operate on the git repository. If not specified it's loaded from the git credentials file
      --git-user-email string        the user email to git commit
      --git-user-name string         the user name to git commit
      --git-username string          the git username used to operate on the git repository. If not specified it's loaded from the git credentials file
  -h, --help                         help for pr
      --labels strings               a list of labels to apply to the PR
      --no-version                   disables validation on requiring a '--version' option or environment variable to be required
      --pull-request-body string     the PR body
      --pull-request-title string    the PR title
      --version string               the version number to promote. If not specified uses $VERSION or the version file
      --version-file string          the file to load the version from if not specified directly or via a $VERSION environment variable. Defaults to VERSION in the current dir



Last modified December 25, 2022: chore: regenerated plugin docs (4443d7b9ad)