jx updatebot pipeline

Upgrades the pipelines in the source repositories to the latest version stream and pipeline catalog Aliases: pipelines


jx updatebot pipeline


Upgrades the pipelines in the source repositories to the latest version stream and pipeline catalog


      --auto-merge                  should we automatically merge if the PR pipeline is green (default true)
      --bin string                  the 'kpt' binary name to use. If not specified this command will download the jx binary plugin into ~/.jx3/plugins/bin and use that
      --commit-message string       the commit message
      --commit-title string         the commit title
  -c, --config string               the configuration file to load for the repository configurations. If not specified we look in .jx/gitops/source-repositories.yaml
  -d, --dir string                  the directory look for the 'jx-requirements.yml` file (default ".")
  -f, --filter string               the text filter to filter out repositories to upgrade
      --git-kind string             the kind of git server to connect to
      --git-server string           the git server URL to create the scm client
      --git-token string            the git token used to operate on the git repository. If not specified it's loaded from the git credentials file
      --git-username string         the git username used to operate on the git repository. If not specified it's loaded from the git credentials file
  -h, --help                        help for pipeline
      --no-convert                  disables converting from Kptfile based pipelines to the uses:sourceURI notation for reusing pipelines across repositories
      --pull-request-body string    the PR body
      --pull-request-title string   the PR title
  -s, --strategy string             the 'kpt' strategy to use. To see available strategies type 'kpt pkg update --help'. Typical values are: resource-merge, fast-forward, alpha-git-patch, force-delete-replace (default "resource-merge")



Last modified April 20, 2021: chore: regenerated plugin docs (412f8f1671)