jx secret replicate

Replicates the given ExternalSecret resources into other Environments or Namespaces


jx secret replicate


Replicates the given ExternalSecret resources into other Environments or Namespaces


# replicates the labeled ExternalSecret resources to the local permanent Environment namespaces (e.g. Staging and Production)
jx-secret replicate --label secret.jenkins-x.io/replica-source=true

# replicates the ExternalSecret resources to the local Environments
jx-secret replicate --name=mysecretname --to jx-staging,jx-production


  -b, --batch-mode          Runs in batch mode without prompting for user input
  -f, --file string         the ExternalSecret to replicate (default "t")
      --from string         one or more Namespaces to replicate the ExternalSecret from
  -h, --help                help for replicate
      --log-level string    Sets the logging level. If not specified defaults to $JX_LOG_LEVEL
  -n, --name stringArray    specifies the names of the ExternalSecrets to replicate if not using a selector
  -o, --output-dir string   the output directory which defaults to 'config-root' in the directory
  -s, --selector string     defines the label selector to find the ExternalSecret resources to replicate
  -t, --to stringArray      one or more Namespaces to replicate the ExternalSecret to
      --verbose             Enables verbose output. The environment variable JX_LOG_LEVEL has precedence over this flag and allows setting the logging level to any value of: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace



Last modified January 7, 2025: chore: regenerated plugin docs (557222ca89)