jx scm pull-request close

closes a pull request


jx scm pull-request close


Update a release


# closes pull requests foo/bar number 123
jx-scm pull-request close --owner foo --name bar --pr 123

# closes all open pull requests on foo/bar before pull request number 200
jx-scm pull-request close --owner foo --name bar --before 200

# close an open pull request on foo/bar from branch baz onto base branch main
%!s(MISSING) pull-request close --owner foo --name bar --head baz --base main


      --base string       the name of the branch the changes would be pulled into (default "main")
      --before int        a pull request number to used to close ALL open pull requests before it
      --head string       the name of the branch where changes are implemented
  -h, --help              help for close
  -k, --kind string       the kind of git server to use
  -r, --name string       the name of the repository that contains pull requests to close
  -o, --owner string      the owner of the repository that contains pull requests to close. Either an organisation or username. For Azure, include the project: 'organization/project'
      --pr int            the pull request to close
  -s, --server string     the git server URL to use
      --size int          the number of open pull requests to return if using --before, defaults to 200 (default 200)
  -t, --token string      the token to use on the git server
  -u, --username string   the user name to use on the git server



Last modified December 18, 2024: chore: regenerated plugin docs (cb72069466)