jx pipeline previews

Display one or more Preview Environments Aliases: preview


jx pipeline previews


Display one or more preview environments.

See Also:


# List all preview environments
jx get previews

# View the current preview environment URL
# inside a CI pipeline
jx get preview --current


  -c, --current         Output the URL of the current Preview application the current pipeline just deployed
  -h, --help            help for previews
  -o, --output string   The output format such as 'yaml'

Options inherited from parent commands

  -b, --batch-mode   Runs in batch mode without prompting for user input
      --verbose      Enables verbose output. The environment variable JX_LOG_LEVEL has precedence over this flag and allows setting the logging level to any value of: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace



Last modified April 20, 2021: chore: regenerated plugin docs (412f8f1671)