jx pipeline effective
Displays the effective tekton pipeline Aliases: dump
jx pipeline effective
Displays the effective tekton pipeline
# View the effective pipeline
jx pipeline effective
# View the effective pipeline in VS Code
jx pipeline effective -e code
# View the effective pipeline in IDEA
jx pipeline effective -e idea
# Enable open in VS Code
export JX_EDITOR="code"
jx pipeline effective
--add-defaults Adds default parameters to the effective pipeline
-b, --batch-mode Runs in batch mode without prompting for user input
--catalog-owner string The github owner for the default catalog (default "jenkins-x")
--catalog-repo string The github repository name for the default catalog (default "jx3-pipeline-catalog")
-d, --dir string The directory to look for the .lighthouse and/or .git folders (default ".")
-e, --editor string The editor to open the effective pipeline inside. e.g. use 'idea' or 'code'
-f, --file string The pipeline file to render
--git-kind string the kind of git server to connect to
--git-server string the git server URL to create the scm client
--git-token string the git token used to operate on the git repository. If not specified it's loaded from the git credentials file
--git-username string the git username used to operate on the git repository. If not specified it's loaded from the git credentials file
-h, --help help for effective
--line string The line number to open the editor at
--log-level string Sets the logging level. If not specified defaults to $JX_LOG_LEVEL
-o, --out string The output file to write the effective pipeline to. If not specified output to the terminal
-p, --pipeline string The pipeline kind and name. e.g. 'presubmit/pr' or 'postsubmit/release'. If not specified you will be prompted to choose one
-r, --recursive Recurisvely find all '.lighthouse' folders such as if linting a Pipeline Catalog
-t, --trigger string The path to the trigger file. If not specified you will be prompted to choose one
--verbose Enables verbose output. The environment variable JX_LOG_LEVEL has precedence over this flag and allows setting the logging level to any value of: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
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Last modified April 20, 2021: chore: regenerated plugin docs (412f8f1671)