jx kube-test run
Runs all of the kubernetes tests
jx kube test run
Runs all of the kubernetes tests
-b, --batch-mode Runs in batch mode without prompting for user input
--chart-dir string the directory to look for helm charts if no .jx/kube-test/settings.yaml file is found
--conftest-args stringArray specifies any optional conftest command line arguments to pass
--conftest-binary string specifies the conftest binary location to use. If not specified we download the plugin
--conftest-version string specifies the conftest version to use. If not specified we download the plugin (default "0.24.0")
-d, --dir string the directory to look for helm, helmfile or kustomize files (default ".")
--helm-args stringArray specifies any optional helm command line arguments to pass
--helm-binary string specifies the helm binary location to use. If not specified we download the plugin
--helm-version string specifies the helm version to use. If not specified we download the plugin (default "3.5.4")
-h, --help help for run
--kubescore-args stringArray specifies any optional kubescore command line arguments to pass
--kubescore-binary string specifies the kubescore binary location to use. If not specified we download the plugin
--kubescore-version string specifies the kubescore version to use. If not specified we download the plugin (default "1.11.0")
--kubeval-args stringArray specifies any optional kubeval command line arguments to pass
--kubeval-binary string specifies the kubeval binary location to use. If not specified we download the plugin
--kubeval-version string specifies the kubeval version to use. If not specified we download the plugin (default "0.16.5")
--log-level string Sets the logging level. If not specified defaults to $JX_LOG_LEVEL
-o, --output string the file to generate
--polaris-args stringArray specifies any optional polaris command line arguments to pass
--polaris-binary string specifies the polaris binary location to use. If not specified we download the plugin
--polaris-version string specifies the polaris version to use. If not specified we download the plugin (default "3.2.1")
-r, --recurse should we recurse through the chart dir to find charts if no .jx/kube-test/settings.yaml file is found
-s, --settings string the settings file to use. If not specified will look in .jx/kube-test/settings.yaml in the directory
--source-dir string the directory to look for kubernetes resources to validate
--verbose Enables verbose output. The environment variable JX_LOG_LEVEL has precedence over this flag and allows setting the logging level to any value of: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
-w, --work-dir string the work directory used to generate the output. If not specified a new temporary dir is created
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Last modified May 12, 2021: chore: regenerated plugin docs (a0b336f960)