jx gitops kustomize

Generates a kustomize layout by comparing a source and target directories


jx gitops kustomize


Generates a kustomize layout by comparing a source and target directories.

If you are using kpt to consume templates and you make lots of modifications and hit merge/upgrade issues this command lets you reverse engineer kustomize overlays from the changes you have made the to resources.


# reverse engineer kustomize overlays by comparing the source to the current target
jx-gitops kustomize --source src/base --target config-root --output src/overlays/default


  -h, --help            help for kustomize
  -o, --output string   the output directory to store the overlays
  -s, --source string   the directory to recursively look for the source *.yaml or *.yml files (default ".")
  -t, --target string   the directory to recursively look for the target *.yaml or *.yml files



Last modified April 20, 2021: chore: regenerated plugin docs (412f8f1671)