jx gitops kpt update

Updates any kpt packages installed in a sub directory


jx gitops kpt update


Updates any kpt packages installed in a sub directory

If you know a specific directory which needs updating you can always use ‘kpt’ directly via:

      kpt pkg update mySubDir


# recurses the current dir looking for directories with Kptfile inside
# and upgrades the kpt package found there to the latest version
jx-gitops kpt --dir .


  -b, --batch-mode              Runs in batch mode without prompting for user input
      --bin string              the 'kpt' binary name to use. If not specified this command will download the jx binary plugin into ~/.jx3/plugins/bin and use that
  -c, --container-tool string   the underlying container tool for kpt to use (default "docker")
      --dir string              the directory to recursively look for the *.yaml or *.yml files (default ".")
  -h, --help                    help for update
      --ignore-yaml-error       ignore kpt errors of the form: yaml: did not find expected node content
      --log-level string        Sets the logging level. If not specified defaults to $JX_LOG_LEVEL
  -o, --owner string            filter on the Kptfile repository owner (user/organisation) for which packages to update
  -r, --repo string             filter on the Kptfile repository name  for which packages to update
  -s, --strategy string         the 'kpt' strategy to use. To see available strategies type 'kpt pkg update --help'. Typical values are: resource-merge, fast-forward, force-delete-replace (default "resource-merge")
  -u, --url string              filter on the Kptfile repository URL for which packages to update
      --verbose                 Enables verbose output. The environment variable JX_LOG_LEVEL has precedence over this flag and allows setting the logging level to any value of: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace
  -v, --version string          the git version of the kpt package to upgrade to



Last modified January 22, 2024: chore: regenerated plugin docs (28099569bb)