jx gitops helm release
Performs a release of all the charts in the charts folder
jx gitops helm release
Generate the kubernetes resources from a helm chart
# generates the resources from a helm chart
jx-gitops step helm template
--artifactory use artifactory mode for publishing the chart which involves using an artifactory header and -T for pushing the chart
-c, --charts-dir string the directory to look for helm charts to release (default "charts")
--dir string the root directory to look for .jx/requirements.yaml (default ".")
--ghpage-url string the github pages URL used if creating the first README.md in the github pages branch so we can link to how to add a chart repository
-h, --help help for release
-I, --ignore stringArray the names of helm charts to not release (default [preview])
--namespace string the namespace to look for the dev Environment. Defaults to the current namespace
--no-oci-login disables using the 'helm registry login' command when using OCI
--no-release disables publishing the release. Useful for a Pull Request pipeline
--oci treat the repository as an OCI container registry. If not specified its defaulted from the cluster.chartOCI flag on the 'jx-requirements.yml' file
--pages use github pages to release charts
--registry-config string the path to the registry config for OCI login (default "/tekton/creds-secrets/tekton-container-registry-auth/.dockerconfigjson")
-n, --repo-name string the name of the helm chart to release to. If not specified uses JX_CHART_REPOSITORY environment variable (default "release-repo")
--repo-nested string the nested repository inside the repository. If not specified defaults to empty (not nested repo)
--repo-password string the password to access the chart repository. If not specified defaults to the environment variable $JX_REPOSITORY_PASSWORD
-u, --repo-url string the URL to release to
--repo-username string the username to access the chart repository. If not specified defaults to the environment variable $JX_REPOSITORY_USERNAME
--repository-branch string the branch used if using GitHub Pages for the helm chart (default "gh-pages")
--use-helm-plugin uses the jx binary plugin for helm rather than whatever helm is on the $PATH
--version string specify the version to release
--version-file string the file to load the version from if not specified directly or via a $VERSION environment variable (default "VERSION")
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Last modified December 25, 2022: chore: regenerated plugin docs (4443d7b9ad)