jx gitops helm build

Builds and lints any helm charts


jx gitops helm build


Builds and lints any helm charts


# generates the resources from a helm chart
jx-gitops step helm template


  -n, --binary string            specifies the helm binary location to use. If not specified defaults to 'helm' on the $PATH
  -c, --charts-dir string        the directory to look for helm charts to release (default "charts")
  -h, --help                     help for build
      --oci                      using OCI charts
      --registry-config string   the path to the registry config for OCI login (default "/tekton/creds-secrets/tekton-container-registry-auth/.dockerconfigjson")
      --repo-password string     the password to access the chart repository. If not specified defaults to the environment variable $JX_REPOSITORY_PASSWORD
      --repo-username string     the username to access the chart repository. If not specified defaults to the environment variable $JX_REPOSITORY_USERNAME
      --use-helm-plugin          uses the jx binary plugin for helm rather than whatever helm is on the $PATH



Last modified February 19, 2025: chore: regenerated plugin docs (cafb845ac6)