jx gitops git merge
jx gitops git merge
Merge a number of SHAs into the HEAD of the main branch.
This command merges a list of commits into a specified branch. If the branch does not exist among local branches, then it is first created.
If both –pull-refs and –sha flags are specified then only those commits specified by –sha are merged into the base branch.
If –include-comment or –exclude-comment flags are specified, then –pull-number flag needs to be set as well. If only one of –include-comment or –exclude-comment, then only that one is used to filter commits while other is ignored. If both are specified, then only those commits which satisfy –include-comment and do not satisfy the –exclude-comment regex are added. Only those commits which are reachable by from pull request and are not reachable by base branch are included to be merged into the base branch.
jx-gitops git merge
--base-branch string The branch to merge to. If not specified then either $PULL_BASE_REF is used or the first entry in $PULL_REFS is used
--base-sha string The SHA to use on the base branch. Iff not specified then $PULL_BASE_SHA is used or the first entry in $PULL_REFS is used
--dir string The directory in which the git repo is checked out (default ".")
-e, --email string the git user email to use if one is not setup
--exclude-comment string the regular expression to filter commit comment to exclude in the merge
--fake-in-cluster for testing: lets you fake running this command inside a kubernetes cluster so that it can create the file: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/credentials or $HOME/git/credentials
-h, --help help for merge
--include-comment string the regular expression to filter commit comment to include in the merge
--merge-arg stringArray the extra arguments to pass to the 'git merge $sha' command to perform the merge
-n, --name string the git user name to use if one is not setup
--pull-number string The Pull Request number to use when filtering commits to merge
--pull-refs string The PullRefs to parse
-r, --rebase use git rebase instead of merge
--remote string The name of the remote (default "origin")
--sha stringArray The SHA(s) to merge, if not specified then the value of the env var $PULL_REFS is parsed
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