jx gitops gc jobs

garbage collection for jobs Aliases: job


jx gitops gc jobs


Garbage collect old Jobs that have completed or failed


# garbage collect old jobs of the default age keeping 1
jx gitops gc jobs

# garbage collect jobs older than 10 minutes and keeping 10
jx gitops gc jobs -a 10m -k 10

# garbage collect jobs older than 10 (don't keep any job)
jx gitops gc jobs -a 10m -k 0

# dry run mode
jx gitops gc jobs --dry-run


  -a, --age duration       The minimum age of jobs to garbage collect. Any newer jobs will be kept (default 1h0m0s)
  -d, --dry-run            Dry run mode. If enabled just list the jobs that would be removed
  -h, --help               help for jobs
  -k, --keep int           The minimum jobs to keep. Jobs to keep even if they are older than the age parameter (default 1)
  -n, --namespace string   The namespace to look for the jobs. Defaults to the current namespace
  -s, --selector string    The selector to use to filter the jobs



Last modified January 14, 2022: chore: regenerated plugin docs (4f396129d7)