jx application get

Display one or more Applications and their versions Aliases: applications,apps


jx application get application


Display applications across environments.


# List applications, their URL and pod counts for all environments
jx get applications
# List applications only in the Staging environment
jx get applications -e staging
# List applications only in the Production environment
jx get applications -e production
# List applications only in a specific namespace
jx get applications -n jx-staging
# List applications hiding the URLs
jx get applications -u
# List applications just showing the versions (hiding urls and pod counts)
jx get applications -u -p


  -e, --env string         Filter applications in the given environment
  -h, --help               help for get
  -n, --namespace string   Filter applications in the given namespace
  -p, --pod                Hide the pod counts
  -u, --url                Hide the URLs



Last modified April 22, 2021: chore: regenerated plugin docs (18faf80b57)