
General questions about Jenkins X

Where do I raise issues?

One of the challenges with Jenkins X 3.x is the source code is spread across a number of organisations and repositories since its highly decoupled into many plugins and microservices so it can be confusing

If you know the specific plugin causing an issue, say jx-preview then just raise the issue there in the issue tracker.

Otherwise use the issue tracker for Jenkins X 3.x and we can triage as required.

Why does Jenkins X use helmfile template?

If you look into the versionStream/src/ file in your cluster git repository to see how the boot process works you may notice its defined a simple makefile and uses the helmfile template command to convert the helmfile helmfile.yaml files referencing helm charts into YAML.

So why don’t we use helmfile sync instead to apply the kubernetes resources from the charts directly into kubernetes?

The current approach has a number of benefits:

  • we want to version all kubernetes resources (apart from Secrets) in git so that you can use git tooling to view the history of every kubernetes resource over time.

    • by checking in all the kubernetes resources (apart from Secrets) its very easy to trace (and git blame) any change in any kubernetes resource in any chart and namespace to diagnose issues.
    • the upgrade of any tool such as helm, helmfile, kustomize, kpt, kubectl or jx could result in different YAML being generated changing the behaivour of your applications in Production.
  • this approach makes it super easy to review all Pull Requests on all promotions and configuration changes and review what is actually going to change in kubernetes inside the git commit diff.

    • e.g. promoting from 1.2.3 to 1.3.0 of application cheese may look innocent enough, but did you notice those new ClusterRole and PersistentVolume resources that it now brings in?
  • we can default to using canonical secret management mechanism based on kubernetes external secrets (see how it works) to ensure that:

    • no Secret value accidentally gets checked into git by mistake
    • all secrets can be managed, versioned, stored and rotated using vault or your cloud providers native secret storage mechanism
    • the combination of git and your secret store means your cluster becomes ephemeral and can be recreated if required (which often can happen if using tools like Terraform to manage infrastructure and you change significant infrastructure configuration values like node pools, version, location and so forth)
  • its easier for developers to understand what is going on as you can browse all the kubernetes resources in each namespace using the canonical layout in the config-root folder. e.g. all charts are versioned in git as follows:

  • you can see the above kubernetes resource, a Deployment with name lighthouse-webhooks in the namespace jx which comes from the lighthouse chart.

  • its easy to enrich the generated YAML with a combination of any additional tools kustomize, kpt or jx. e.g.

    • its trivial to run kustomize or kpt to modify any resource in any chart before it’s applied to Production and to review the generated values first

    • its easy to use jx gitops hash to add some hash annotations to cause rolling upgrade to Deployments when git changes (when the Deployment YAML does not)

    • use jx gitops annotate to add add support for tools like pusher wave so that rotating secrets in your underlying secret store can cause rolling upgrades in your Deployments

However since the steps to deploy a kubernetes cluster in Jenkins X is defined in a simple makefile stored in your cluster git repository its easy for developers to modify their cluster git repository to add any combination of tools to the makefile to use any permutation of helm 3, helmfile, kustomize, kpt and kubectl

So if you really wanted to opt out of the canonical GitOps, resource and secret management model above you can add a helm upgrade or helmfile sync command to your makefile. The entire boot job is defined in git in versionStream/git-operator/job.yaml so you are free to go in whatever direction you prefer.

Does Jenkins X support helmfile hooks?

Helmfile hooks allow programs to be executed during the lifecycle of the application of your helmfiles.

Since we default to using helmfile template helmfile hooks are not supported for cluster git repositories (though you can use them in preview environments).

However you can support it with the following example:

How do I add a post install hook in a cluster?

If you want to perform some tasks after a promotion or configuration change in your cluster you can modify the Makefile in your git repository.

e.g. use something like this:

POST_APPLY_HOOK = post-apply-hook

	echo "TODO run some tests now or trigger a Job or something..."

include versionStream/src/

To trigger the tests you could:

  • download binaries and run them locally via a shell script
  • create a kubernetes Job and verify that the job succeeds via jx verify job which also tails the log
  • trigger a pipeline via jx pipeline start

How do I uninstall Jenkins X?

We don’t yet have a nice uninstall command.

Though if you git clone your development git repository and cd into it you can run:

kubectl delete -R -f config-root/namespaces
kubectl delete -R -f config-root/cluster

Last modified April 22, 2021: fix: add FAQ on post install hooks (39dfe6326a)