
Questions on vault

After an upgrade the boot job is waiting for vault in jx-vault

In the alpha we used to install vault via the helmfile/secret-infra/helmfile.yaml file and install vault into the secret-infra namespace.

A production installation of vault requires cloud resources such as a key ring, crypto key and bucket.

So to make it easier to manage vault properly with cloud resources and to simplify the operation of Jenkins X (so that the secret store can be used on an empty cluster before we boot anything in the boot process) we have moved the installation of vault into terraform. (e.g for GKE)

So ideally you would re-apply your terraform using the latest terraform modules so that you get the new vault setup in the jx-vault namespace.

A workaround if you wish to keep using your vault in your secret-infra namespace is to modify the first few lines starting with VAULT of the file: versionStream/ as follows:

VAULT_ADDR ?= https://vault.secret-infra:8200
VAULT_NAMESPACE ?= secret-infra
VAULT_ROLE ?= secret-infra

Last modified March 1, 2021: fix: add vault FAQ (59e91f50a5)