
Questions on configuring repositories differently

How do I customise a Scheduler?

The .jx/gitops/source-config.yaml file in your dev cluster git repository lets you configure the name of the scheduler to use for all repositories, for a group of repositories or for an individual repository.

The schedular name is then resolved to be either a file versionStream/schedulers/$name.yaml or schedulers/$name.yaml.

So if you want to create your own Scheduler you could copy the default in-repo based scheduler versionStream/schedulers/in-repo.yaml to schedulers/myname.yaml and then modify it to suit - then associate myname with whatever repositories you wish to use this scheduler for.

Here is the default in-repo scheduler used to define the labels and merge strategy etc.

Once you’ve made your changes to any Scheduler and merged changes into your dev cluster repository a boot job should trigger.

You can watch the boot job run via jx admin log -w. Once that is complete you should be able to see the effect of the changes in the config and plugins ConfigMap resources in the jx namespace which are then used by lighthouse

kubectl get cm config -n jx -oyaml
kubectl get cm plugins -n jx -oyaml

How do I configure Slack notifications?

You can modify the .jx/gitops/source-config.yaml file in your dev cluster git repository to use custom

See the slack configuration guide

Last modified June 21, 2021: fix: polish FAQ (59a324dae4)