Pipeline activites

Introduction to Jenkins X Pipeline activites

Jenkins X creates pipeline activites for jobs. It’s a kubernetes custom resource (CR) which is scoped to a namespace.

Pipeline activities are made up of steps. A step can have three kinds

  • Stage
  • Preview
  • Promote

Each type of step has a name, status, start and end timestamp. A pipeline activity can have steps of different kinds (for example a pipeline activity can have a stage, preview and promote step) Let’s look at each of these kinds in detail.


A step of kind step is made up of multiple sub steps and is normally associated with the Continuous Integration (CI) part of Jenkins X. The build controller which runs in the development environment creates a stage for every tekton taskrun.

Example of a pipeline activity with a step of kind stage is shown below (some fields are left out for simplicity):

apiVersion: jenkins.io/v1
kind: PipelineActivity
  pipeline: jenkins-x-plugins/jx-secret/PR-382
  startedTimestamp: "2022-06-28T21:58:12Z"
  status: Succeeded
    - kind: Stage
        completedTimestamp: "2022-06-28T22:12:20Z"
        name: jx secret lint
        startedTimestamp: "2022-06-28T21:58:21Z"
        status: Succeeded
          - completedTimestamp: "2022-06-28T21:58:23Z"
            name: Git Clone
            startedTimestamp: "2022-06-28T21:58:21Z"
            status: Succeeded
          - completedTimestamp: "2022-06-28T22:12:20Z"
            name: Make Lint
            startedTimestamp: "2022-06-28T21:58:25Z"
            status: Succeeded

This is a simple Jenkins X pipeline activity which has a step of kind stage.


A Preview step is responsible for creating a preview environment as part of a pull request. To learn more about environments see this.

A simple pipeline activity with a step of kind preview is shown below (some fields are left out for simplicity):

apiVersion: jenkins.io/v1
kind: PipelineActivity
    - kind: Stage
        completedTimestamp: "2022-07-01T20:33:32Z"
        name: from build pack
        startedTimestamp: "2022-07-01T20:31:14Z"
        status: Succeeded
          - completedTimestamp: "2022-07-01T20:31:33Z"
            name: Git Clone
            startedTimestamp: "2022-07-01T20:31:14Z"
            status: Succeeded
          - completedTimestamp: "2022-07-01T20:31:34Z"
            name: Git Merge
            startedTimestamp: "2022-07-01T20:31:33Z"
            status: Succeeded
          - completedTimestamp: "2022-07-01T20:33:32Z"
            name: Promote Jx Preview
            startedTimestamp: "2022-07-01T20:33:10Z"
            status: Succeeded
    - kind: Preview
        applicationURL: https://jx-docs-jx-jenkins-x-jx-docs-pr-3619.infra.jenkins-x.rocks
        pullRequestURL: https://github.com/jenkins-x/jx-docs/pull/3619
        startedTimestamp: "2022-07-01T20:33:32Z"

Apart from the stage step, there is a preview step in the pipeline activity.


A Promote step is responsible for deploying a version of the application to an environment. To learn more about environments see this.

A simple pipeline activity with step of kind promotion is shown below (some fields are left out for simplicity):

apiVersion: jenkins.io/v1
kind: PipelineActivity
    - kind: Stage
        completedTimestamp: "2022-06-05T18:21:44Z"
        name: from build pack
        startedTimestamp: "2022-06-05T18:20:23Z"
        status: Succeeded
          - completedTimestamp: "2022-06-05T18:20:24Z"
            name: Git Clone
            startedTimestamp: "2022-06-05T18:20:23Z"
            status: Succeeded
          - completedTimestamp: "2022-06-05T18:20:25Z"
            name: Next Version
            startedTimestamp: "2022-06-05T18:20:24Z"
            status: Succeeded
    - kind: Promote
        environment: staging
          pullRequestURL: https://github.com/jx/jx-promote/pull/28
          startedTimestamp: "2022-06-05T18:21:35Z"
          status: Succeeded
        startedTimestamp: "2022-06-05T18:21:35Z"
        status: Succeeded
    - kind: Promote
        environment: production
          pullRequestURL: https://github.com/jx/jx-promote/pull/29
          startedTimestamp: "2022-06-05T18:21:41Z"
          status: Succeeded
        startedTimestamp: "2022-06-05T18:21:41Z"
        status: Succeeded
  version: 0.1.3

This pipeline activity has two steps of kind promote (apart from the one step of kind stage). The first promote step promotes to staging environment and the second step promotes to production environment.

You can view all pipeline activities in your cluster by running:

kubectl get pipelineactivities -A

Last modified June 23, 2022: feat: add docs around jx concepts (81279de8f5)