jx step cluster unlock

list of jx commands

jx step cluster unlock

Unlocks the given cluster name so it joins the pool of test clusters again


Unlocks the given cluster name so it joins the pool of test clusters again.

jx step cluster unlock [flags]




      --fake                 Use the fake clusters client
      --gke-project string   The GKE project name
      --gke-region string    The GKE project name
  -h, --help                 help for unlock
  -l, --label string         The label name for the lock (default "locked")
  -n, --name string          The name of the cluster to unlock
      --test-label string    The label name for the test (default "test")

Options inherited from parent commands

  -b, --batch-mode   Runs in batch mode without prompting for user input
      --verbose      Enables verbose output. The environment variable JX_LOG_LEVEL has precedence over this flag and allows setting the logging level to any value of: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 2-Sep-2020