jx step verify behavior

list of jx commands

jx step verify behavior

Verifies the cluster behaves correctly by running the BDD tests to verify we can create quickstarts, previews and promote applications


Verifies the cluster behaves correctly by running the BDD tests to verify we can create quickstarts, previews and promote applications.

jx step verify behavior [flags]


  # runs the BDD tests on the current cluster to verify it behaves nicely
  jx step verify behavior


      --branch string               The git branch to use to run the BDD tests (default "master")
      --credentials-secret string   The name of the secret to generate the bdd credentials from, if not specified, the default git auth will be used
      --git-organisation string     Override the git org for the tests rather than reading from teamSettings
  -u, --git-url string              The git URL of the BDD tests pipeline (default "https://github.com/jenkins-x/bdd-jx.git")
  -h, --help                        help for behavior
      --no-import                   Create the pipeline directly, don't import the repository
      --test-suite string           Override the default test suite 
      --use-go-proxy                Enable the GoProxy for the bdd tests

Options inherited from parent commands

  -b, --batch-mode   Runs in batch mode without prompting for user input
      --verbose      Enables verbose output. The environment variable JX_LOG_LEVEL has precedence over this flag and allows setting the logging level to any value of: panic, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 2-Sep-2020