CloudBees contributions to Jenkins X - June 2020

CloudBees contributions to Jenkins X - June 2020

For everyone here at Cloudbees, June has been a really productive month and the release 11 of CJXD comes with a set of new available features and fixes for upstream Jenkins X, as well as a new version of the UI that we are really excited to release!

Regarding Jenkins X new features:

  • Thanks to Hardy Ferentschik, you can now bring your own Vault to your Jenkins X cluster. It will allow you to use an already existing Vault instance to store your Jenkins X secrets, checkout the documentation here. He also improved the existing documentation to help you access and manage your secrets.

  • If you can’t find a Buildpack that suits your projects in the list of available ones, Adam Magan has been working on allowing you to use your own custom buildpacks, please find the documentation here.

As for the CloudBees UI, the team is happy to make available some really useful features in a new Preview version:

  • You can now create a new project from a list of available “quickstarts” that you can use as a template and that will be pre configured to work with Jenkins X. If you want to get started with projects, please check the documentation

  • If you have an existing project that you want to manage using Jenkins X, you can now also use the UI to import it in your cluster.

  • The UI is now exposed with its own URL and protected by basic authentication. Please check out the documentation to have more details about that.

Of course the team continues to fix the issues reported by the community, since the previous release, over 30 issues has been closed, with the goal of making Jenkins X always more reliable. Special thanks to ankitm123 who is really involved in the community and has been fixing a lot of issues in this release.

Finally, we have a couple of things in progress that will come soon, be prepared for some exciting announcements around OpenShift support. Also Gitlab and Bitbucket Server support for Lighthouse are available in preview mode, if you want to give it a try, please check out the documentation, we welcome feedback and bug reports !

If it’s not done yet, feel free to start using the Cloudbees Jenkins X Distribution, all you need to know in order to have it up and running is here !
