Season of Docs 2020 📄

Jenkins X and Google Season of Docs

Google Season of Docs fosters collaboration between open source projects and technical writers. This program brings the open source and technical writing communities together to improve documentation and increase awareness of open source. During the program, technical writers are given support in contributing to open source, information about the technical project to which they are contributing, and a stipend.

Jenkins X welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with technical writers on improving the Jenkins X documentation. We are excited to apply to participate in Google Season of Docs!

Project Ideas

Jenkins X invites technical writers to engage with our ongoing efforts to restructure and update the Jenkins X documentation. There are a number of ongoing projects, and technical writers are welcome to engage with them or to make their own proposals in any area of Jenkins X documentation. We welcome the experience and perspecitve of new contributors and encourage proposals based on a technical writer’s interests and expertise.

  • Refactor the existing documentation to provide an improved user experience or a more accessible information architecture:

    We are currently in the process of restructuring the information architecture on the docs site. We recognise this is an iterative process and would welcome input from a technical writer on further improvements to create an accessible information architecture and improve the user experience.

  • Improve our contributor’s guide to ensure the information for new contributors is clear and well organised, including basic information about getting started as a contributor to Jenkins X, as well as any rules around licence agreements, processes for pull requests and reviews, building the project, and so on.

  • Create a tutorial for provisioning a Kubernetes cluster and installing Jenkins X with jx boot on platforms that are not covered with Terraform. Currently, the Get started page gives the incorrect impression that Jenkins X works only in GKE (Google Cloud Platform) and EKS (Amazon Web Services).

  • Build out Creating Projects section to include new or extended sections such as Understanding Buildpacks, New Project With Quickstart Or Import, Defining Environments, etc. The GSoD writer would work with the Jenkins X engineering team and community to build out those pages.

  • Create FAQs for select docs pages. The GSoD writer would read through our Kubernetes slack channels and closed issues to identify the most common questions we are asked and to take the answers given to build out the FAQs.

📆 Important Dates

The main part of Season of Docs runs for three months, from September to December 2020, but the application period for technical writers ends on July 9, 2020. Detailed GSoD Timeline can be found here.

  • May 4, 2020: Deadline for Jenkins X to apply to Season of Docs
  • May 11 - June 8, 2020: Technical writers discuss project ideas with mentoring organisations
  • July 9, 2020: Deadline for technical writer applications
  • September 14 - December 5, 2020: Technical writers work on their projects with guidance from mentors

👋 Come meet us and ask us questions

We welcome technical writers to join our slack channels and our office hours. We’d be happy to answer your questions and guide you with your pull requests!

Talk to us on our slack channels, which are part of the Kubernetes slack. Join Kubernetes slack here, and find us on our channels:

  • #jenkins-x-dev for developers of Jenkins X
  • #jenkins-x-user for users of Jenkins X

We also have online office hours, during which we talk about new developments in Jenkins X and you are welcome to ask us questions. We meet for office hours every other Tuesday at 15:00 UTC (See your timezone here).

Next office hours are on 5 May. Join us here:

Additional Information

Technical Writers


We’d love your help to make Jenkins X even more awesome and welcome your participation!