3 Jenkins X talks at FOSDEM 2020

FOSDEM 2020 recap, including Jenkins X talks in CI/CD devroom

FOSDEM 2020 was fantastic! We were thrilled to be there, answering questions about Jenkins X at the Jenkins X - CDF - Jenkins booth.

This was the first year there was a CI/CD devroom at FOSDEM. Among the excellent talks, three focused on Jenkins X in their demos:

  • Choosing The Right Deployment Strategy, by Viktor Farcic
  • Progressive Delivery: Continuous Delivery the Right Way, by Carlos Sanchez
  • A Practical CI/CD Framework for Machine Learning at Massive Scale, by Alejandro Saucedo

Choosing The Right Deployment Strategy

by Viktor Farcic

Pros and cons of different deployment strategies



Rolling update



All strategies automated with Jenkins X

Progressive Delivery: Continuous Delivery the Right Way

by Carlos Sanchez

Progressive Delivery makes it easier to adopt Continuous Delivery

Roll out new versions gradually


Automated Progressive Delivery pipeline

Canary deployments and rollbacks in Kubernetes using Jenkins X

A Practical CI/CD Framework for Machine Learning at Massive Scale

by Alejandro Saucedo


Key insights on MLOps

Monitoring, deployment, orchestration and continuous delivery for machine learning


Jenkins X to deploy/promote models across multiple environments

KIND (Kubernetes in Docker) to run integration tests in dev environment

Seldon to orchestrate & monitor the models