CloudBees contributions to Jenkins X - February 2020

CloudBees contributions to Jenkins X - February 2020

2020 is fully underway and Jenkins X is feeling the benefits from a lot of hard work from the tail end of last year. There is now support on EKS for Jenkins X! Here are the docs:

They are still being improved so we’d love feedback in the Slack channel or issues (PRs would be even better ;)) on the website repository to help improve. By the way a Pull Request on the docs repo results in a preview environment of the website, so you can see your changes and ask for feedback in true Jenkins X form.

EKS support includes full TLS and DNS, Vault and documented required IAM roles.

This is largely a result of contributions from CloudBees as they work on building out CloudBees Jenkins X Distribution (CJXD). This distro can come with support from CloudBees but is based on the upstream Jenkins X, there’s no separate fork so any code that is needed to support EKS and other Jenkins X features goes into the Jenkins X codebase, for the Jenkins X community to benefit from.

As well as EKS support last month there were 30 issues and enhancements resolved so there’s lots of effort to keep continually improving Jenkins X. At the bottom of this blog is list of the main issues fixed. An important fix to call out is 6568.

Large ongoing work looks to replace Prow (which handles ChatOps and the communication with GitHub) with Lighthouse, which has wider git server support (including future support for Bitbucket and Gitlab) and a smaller footprint. We hope to have this switch completed in April.

There will be a monthly blog that will describe the improvements that keep making Jenkins X better so please keep an eye out for these and as always let us know via slack or issues how things can be better.

James R.

List of issues fixed in February

App installation requires Jenkins X with Vault installed

BitBucket Server with boot/gitops/vault gets error for \No git service found"

bug: jx ui not working with latest cli and boot

bug: overriding env variables in buildpacks doesn’t work

Change in googleapis/gnostic breaks \make generate-openapi"

controllerbuild can’t list config maps and so can’t get git credentials

CreateTestJxHomeDir only creates tmp JX_HOME in case gitAuth.yaml exists

Dev pipeline fails on fresh jx boot install using bitbucketserver

Diagnose and fix sporadic hangs on environment promotes in boot-vault and boot-local versions BDD tests

Document and share development steps required to support Jenkins X on Kubernetes providers

Document full list of IAM permissions needed when using EKS

Duplicated SourceRepository resources

Enhancement: Show ConfigMaps on jx diagnose output

Git Authentication fails on GHE

jx boot failing on GHE with latest CLI due to failing GET request

jx boot STEP: verify-jenkins-x-environment failing. Returning 401 Unauthorized, Body

jx boot upgrade replaces OWNERS with OWNERS from jenkins-x-boot-config

jx create pullrequest with Gitlab somehow ends up with a -/" in URL"

jx get build log -> error: secrets \jenkins" not found"

jx preview fails for repo in bitbucket server

Knowing how many resources exist for CRD’s is useful when maintaining cluster, a command to list these counts would be helpful

Maven builders in meta pipeline should mount settings.xml

Not able to boot Jenkins X with local changes

Pass the repo owner into jx step git credentials --credential-helper

PipelineResource names can be reused, causing collisions

PipelineRuns rerun by Lighthouse due to Tekton race condition won’t be handled by build controller

rename jx step create install values to something more accurate

REPLACE_ME placeholders in buildpacks using modern syntax aren’t replaced

Review command deprecation proposal and generate issues accordingly

Unable to re-run ‘jx boot’ from the initial boot config directory