FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas, and collaborate.

FOSDEM (Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting) is a non-commercial, volunteer-organized European event centered on free and open source software development. It is aimed at developers and anyone interested in the free and open source software movement. FOSDEM will take place on 1 and 2 of February in Brussels, Belgium. See the event site for more details.
The vast majority of talks and events at FOSDEM are held in ‘developer rooms’ or ‘devrooms’, which are organised and managed by open source projects to foster discussion and collaboration. In the Jenkins X community, we are excited to participate in the Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) devroom at FOSDEM!
About the CI/CD Devroom
The CI/CD devroom will take place on 2nd of February 2020 in Brussels, Belgium. The CI/CD devroom will focus on OSS projects that help “improve the quality of our software by automating tests, deliveries or deployments”.
The schedule for the CI/CD devroom is up and is packed with 12 interesting talks. Many of the talks specifically address issues around CI/CD on Kubernetes and a number of the talks are on Jenkins X.
Thank you to the volunteer organisers of the CI/CD devroom, including Olivier Vernin Jan Willies and Fabrizio Manfredi, who have picked awesome talks during what must have been a difficult selection process.
Fringe and Jenkins X workshop
The FOSDEM Fringe consists of independent events involving free and open source software taking place in the days around the FOSDEM weekend. They are organised independently of FOSDEM by open source communities.
On Thursday, January 30, Viktor Farcic will be presenting a full day workshop on Jenkins X, as described in this abbreviated abstract:
Jenkins X is a combination of best of breed tools and software for Kubernetes. It provides an interactive command-line interface to instantiate applications, repositories, environments, and pipelines and orchestrate continuous integration and continuous delivery.
It is the CI/CD solution for development of modern cloud applications on Kubernetes.
We’ll explore how to create a fully operational continuous delivery pipeline using containers, Kubernetes, Jenkins X, and quite a few other tools.
The workshop will take place from 8:30am to 5:00pm at the Marivaux Hotel Congress and Seminar Centre, Boulevard Adolphe Maxlaan 98, 1000 Brussels. There will be breakfast and snacks provided, for which there is a 25 Euro charge. Please sign up on the eventbrite event page.
The Jenkins community will also be leading a workshop on Jenkin Pipelines run by Mark Waite. The workshop will be from 8:00am to 12:00pm and breakfast will be provided for a 22 Euro charge.
Important Dates
- 30 January, 2020: Jenkins and Jenkins X workshops, FOSDEM Fringe
- 2 February, 2020: CI/CD Devroom, FOSDEM
We look forward to seeing you at FOSDEM!
For those who can’t make it, the talks in the CI/CD devroom will be recorded and made available under a Creative Commons license on the FOSDEM website.