Jenkins X at Jenkins World

Jenkins X @ JenkinsWorld

Jenkins X at JenkinsWorld

Jenkins World has combined with DevOps world to become the premier DevOps event in your calendar this year - and there really isn’t much time left if you still have to register. The event is happening at San Francisco 16-19 September, and Nice,France 22-25 October. To get a discount on entry - you are invited to use the dscount code: JWRDAVIES

Some of the Jenkins X team, including James Strachan, James Rawlings, Rob Davies and Pete Muir will be available if you want some extra help with the Jenkins X project - we are cheap too - beer tokens gratefully received.

There will be interactive Jenkins X demonstrations at the Jenkins X community booth and the exhibition theatre. There will be Jenkins X book signings and much more.

There is a Jenkins X workshop, which is unfortunately already sold out!

James Strachan will be presenting Jenkins X: Continuous Delivery for Kubernetes on Tuesday 18 Sep

and James Rawlings and Rob Davies will be presenting Extending Jenkins X for fun on Tuesday 18 Sep too

The Jenkins X team is looking forward to seeing you at Jenkins World this year!