Add sbom generation step to release pipelines

As part of increasing supply chain security, here are steps to add SBOM generation to JX repositories release pipelines


Jenkins X started to support supply chain security through different steps. Till now we support:

How we do it?

There are two types of artifacts we deal with:

Zipped binaries

For .tar.gz artifacts, we use goreleaser to generate the artifacts themselves and to generate SBOMs for them. (Both get released on the release page on github of the repository). See Assets at the release-page for example.

To generate SBOMs, add this to the .goreleaser file

  - artifacts: archive

But goreleaser requires syft to be installed for SBOM generation. Refer to goreleaser documentation to know more details.

How to install syft

  • There are some of JX repositories that uses github actions for the release pipeline (jx for example). So, we’re installing syft in the script executed by github actions before using goreleaser release. Add this to the script to install
    curl -sSfL | \
    sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin v0.54.0
    chmod +x /usr/local/bin/syft
  • Other repositories use JX itself to release different artifacts (jx-pipeline for example). Installing syft is done through this step in the jx3-pipeline-catalog. To include it, you add this block before the upload-binaries step in the release pipeline
    - image: uses:jenkins-x/jx3-pipeline-catalog/tasks/supply-chain-security/task.yaml@versionStream
      name: download-syft

Container images

For container images, We use syft to generate SBOMs from the container images (syft is already installed to be used by goreleaser and it’s not an additional step). After that, we use oras to push the generated SBOM as an OCI artifact in the same container registry with the container image.

How to generate and push

  • For JX repositories that uses github actions for the release pipeline (jx for example), we’re using oras as the base image for a separate github action.

    • Add this block at the end of the release job
        - env:
            GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GIT_BOT_TOKEN }}
            GIT_USERNAME: jenkins-x
            DOCKER_REGISTRY_ORG: jenkins-x
            REPO_NAME: ${{ }}
            VERSION: ${{ steps.prep.outputs.version }}
          name: Generate and Push SBOM
          uses: docker://
            entrypoint: .github/workflows/jenkins-x/
    • Add this script .github/workflows/jenkins-x/
      # Install syft in this script
      apk add --no-cache curl unzip
      curl -sSfL | \
      sh -s -- -b /usr/local/bin v0.55.0
      chmod +x /usr/local/bin/syft
      # Generate SBOM
      syft$DOCKER_REGISTRY_ORG/$REPO_NAME:$VERSION --scope all-layers \
      -o spdx-json > sbom.json
      #Push SBOM with oras
      echo $GITHUB_TOKEN | oras push -u $GIT_USERNAME --password-stdin  \$DOCKER_REGISTRY_ORG/$REPO_NAME:$VERSION-sbom sbom.json
      echo $GITHUB_TOKEN | oras push -u $GIT_USERNAME --password-stdin  \$DOCKER_REGISTRY_ORG/$REPO_NAME:latest-sbom sbom.json
  • For repositories that use JX itself to release (jx-pipeline for example):

    • First, replace the build-and-push-image step here:
        - name: build-and-push-image
          resources: {}

    with those two steps which use kaniko to build the image and crane to push it (image.tar is required for syft to generate SBOM)

      - image: uses:jenkins-x/jx3-pipeline-catalog/tasks/build-scan-push/build-scan-push.yaml@versionStream
        name: build-container
      - image: uses:jenkins-x/jx3-pipeline-catalog/tasks/build-scan-push/build-scan-push.yaml@versionStream
        name: push-container
    • We created this step in the jx3-pipeline-catalog which uses syft to generate the SBOM from the container image image.tar (built with kaniko) and then uploads the SBOM using oras. Since installing syft is done through this step in the jx3-pipeline-catalog, you add this block before the upload-binaries step in the release pipeline
        - image: uses:jenkins-x/jx3-pipeline-catalog/tasks/supply-chain-security/task.yaml@versionStream
          name: build-and-push-sbom
          resources: {}
    • At the end add this step
      - name: cleanup-image-tar
        image: alpine:3.16
        resources: {}
        script: |
          rm -f /workspace/source/image.tar

Edit the .gitignore

Don’t forget to include those in the .gitignore file

# image tar files

# docker credential binaries

# sbom json created by syft